Our Creating Success Education Center serves children, families and the community in an inclusive setting that encourages academic success, creativity, innovation, and community engagement.
We provide meals, computers, and educational support to K-12 students.

Creating Success After School Program
Our After School Program is offered for K-8 students.
We provide snack and dinner, tutoring/academic support, homework assistance, enrichment, field trips, recreation, STEAM, and fun!
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for more detailed information.
Please see the links below to register for the 2024-2025 school year.
All families are encouraged to apply for the Childcare Voucher with DSS. Scholarships are available for families that don't qualify for the voucher.
"This program has proven to be caring, trustworthy and safe. You can tell the leaders have a true passion for what they do. They have changed my children’s view of education. It is now fun for them. Interaction with this program has left my children encouraged, hopeful and untroubled. I’m always anxiously awaiting for opportunities for my children to participate in. I look forward to working with them more. I’m so grateful for the program."
Creating Success After School Parent
Student Forms
(Creating Success Education Center)
Please see below for required forms needed for CSEC students. This includes participation in Creating Success After School and our Summer Learning Programs.
Forms include:
Off-Premise Activity Authorization
Blanket Permission for Routine Transportation
Emergency Contact Form
Children's Medical Report Form
What will my child be doing during the day?Your student will be engaged in hands-on learning activities focusing on the weekly camp theme!
Are meals provided?Yes! Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are provided. You are welcome to bring additional items to eat. Please make sure all meals are labeled with your student’s name.
Are computers provided?Yes! We have computers and headphones available on site.
Are cell phones allowed?Each student will be assigned a “cubby” basket to hold personal items. Students will not be permitted to use their cell phone on a regular basis during the day. Phones can be briefly accessed during lunch and the end of the program day.
Are field trips included?Yes. Each camp has a field trip included. The trip is included with the weekly fee, but parents/caregivers are encouraged to send money for the gift shop. We will send out communication about each week's field trip in advance to families.
Does my child have to attend every week of camp?No. You can attend however many weeks of camp that you choose. You will be able to select each of the camps you would like your student to attend upon registration. Each camp is $15 per week, per student.
When is payment due?All payment is due by June 1 to keep your registration spot. Due to limited space and high demand, you will lose your registration spot if we do not receive payment by June 1.
How can I pay?We have a few options! You can pay online at the time of registration by following the steps on the form and providing payment info. You can also pay in-person via check, card, or cash by visiting Creating Success Education Center by June 1.
What are your camp policies?Please see below for our comprehensive list of policies. You will be asked to agree to abide by these policies upon registration. Drop-off policy: Drop-off begins at 7:30 a.m. Breakfast is served upon arrival. Late pickup policy: Students must be picked up by 5:15 p.m. each day. A fee of $5 for each 15 minutes will be assessed for late pick-up, per child. For example: If a student is picked-up between 5:16-5:30 p.m. a $5 fee/child will be charged. Discipline Policy: The philosophy of the program is based on mutual respect being shown for all participants. We relate to children on an individual basis. Rules and expectations will be made known to all children upon entry into the program. Should a discipline problem arise the following steps will be taken: • The child will be spoken to in hopes that discussion and redirecting the child to another activity is all that is required to correct the problem. A warning will also be given. • If the discussion and redirection does not seem to help, the child will be put in “reflection time” for a short period. • If “reflection time” does not improve the child’s behavior, the child will be removed from the group and taken to the director’s office. A documentation of the child’s behavior (Bad Sports Report) will be made at that time. • Should the behavior problem continue, the parent or guardian and the director will meet to discuss corrective procedures. Should this process prove unsuccessful and behavior problems are not corrected, the child may be suspended or dismissed from the program. Reflection Time: Reflection time is the removal of a child for a short period of time (1 minute for every year of the child’s age) from a situation in which the child is misbehaving and has not responded to other discipline techniques. The “reflection” is located away from the group activity, but within the counselor’s sight. During “reflection” the child has a chance to think about the misbehavior which led to his or her removal from the group. After a brief interval, the counselor discusses the incident and appropriate behavior with the child. When the child returns to the group, the incident is over and the child is treated with the same affection and respect shown to other children. COVID rules and regulations: Masks are mandatory indoors and must be worn throughout the day. We will allow mask breaks outside! Dress Attire: Students are encouraged to dress comfortably. Please no flip flops or sandals. Students must wear their SLP t-shirt on all field trip days. (This shirt will be given to them at the beginning of camp) Cancellation Policy: All payments must be made by June 1 to keep your registration spot. If you do not complete payment by June 1, your spot may be opened up to another student on the waitlist. Text Policy: We ask that you check your texts throughout the week that your child is at camp. We send important reminders and announcements via text throughout the summer. Pleas notify us if your cell phone number changes so we can update it in our system. We strive to answer all replies promptly. If you reply to a text message with a question, you should expect a response within 24 hours.
What are your COVID rules and regulations for camp?Masks are mandatory indoors and must be worn throughout the day. This includes students and staff. We will allow mask breaks outside!
Students who attended Creating Success After School in Fall 2021 on a regular basis had an average growth of:
89 points in language arts
109 points in math
115 points in reading
Below are the number of skills mastered in math and reading by grade level in our Summer Learning Program 2021:
K - 9 skills in math, 4 skills in reading (4 students)
1st - 13 skills in math, 14 skills in reading (6 students)
3rd - 19 skills in math, 31 skills in reading (4 students)
5th - 33 skills in math, 26 skills in reading (3 students)
6th - 4 skills in math, 3 skills in reading (2 students)
Throughout the six-week summer program, we saw:
a 7% increase for grade-level proficiency in math
an average growth of 3 points in scores in reading
At the start of the program we had 7% of students meeting and 57% of students approaching grade-level proficiency in reading. At the end of the program we had 14% of students exceeding, 36% of students meeting, and 29% of students approaching their upcoming grade-level proficiency.
When surveyed, 100% of parents felt their child(ren) are academically ready to return to school because of their involvement in the Summer Learning Program.
Creating Success After School Policies
School Pick-up Policy:
Please communicate with the CSEC staff if your student DOES NOT need to be picked up from school.
A $5 trip fee will be assessed if we arrive at your student's school and are informed by a teacher that the student is not there.
It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to communicate with the CSEC staff in a timely manner.
Late Pick-up Policy:
Students must be picked up by 5:30 p.m.
A fee of $5 for each 15 minutes will be assessed for late pick-up, per child.
For example: If a student is picked-up between 5:31-5:45 p.m. a $5 fee/child will be charged.

STEAM DREAMS is a program that allows youth to explore their imaginations and creativity to make their dreams become a reality through science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.
We provide an in-school coding program for elementary students. Thus far we have educated 262 students. We have served 4th and 5th grade students within five schools in Warren and Vance County.